Styling Cardigans for Fall

We all know that cardigans are a fall STAPLE and if it's too warm for the shacket trend where you are cardigans are definitely the way to go! Fall in Calgary means winter weather in the morning and summer in the afternoon so layers are definitely the way to go and layering cardigans is one of my faves! I don’t personally own a ton of cardigans but the ones I have I love and you can dress them up or dress them down. Clearly, the rust colour has been my go-to this year and last so I have a couple in the closet. A good cardigan that is amazing quality is not the easiest to find so I have linked the ones I love - some are from previous seasons so I will link some that are very similar if that is the case!

Let me know in the comments below which look is your favourite! I will link all of the items in these links here:

Outfit 1

Outfit 2

Outfit 3

Outfit 4

Outfit 5

Outfit 6

Outfit 7

Outfit 8