Mama Morning Routine

I'm going to be completely honest - this is brand new to me. I feel like I get stuck in ruts really easily and can’t see what change is needed or don't even realize that what I'm doing is adding to my anxiety. More recently I've changed up some routines and actually CREATED routines where there weren't any. Mind blowing, I know. No... this is simple stuff that I just somehow neglected. Knowing Jackson's personality very well as his mama, I see how he particularly thrives off of routine and how important it is to have in our day, and I am more thrilled than ever to present to you my new mama morning routine! I hope if you are stuck in a rut and just feel like you've been living hour by hour since you've had your littles that this will inspire you to grab hold of your life once again and put some routines in place so those priorities are met!


My body has been waking up to some, this may sound like actual hell. But my body has been waking me up somewhere between 4:30-5:30 AM for the last month or so. It doesn't help that Jackson is BOOTING IT to the bathroom around that time and SLAMMING the door because he's literally about to burst so it may partly be me being more used to that, who knows. I've always had sleeping issues but waking up at 4:30 versus 1:30 am - I'll take it. So as of now, I am setting my alarm for 5:30 just so I get to have me time before the boys are yelling "MOM" around 7 am!

So first things first - Coffee. DUH. I do not function without it, however more recently I am waking up craving tea... is this my old age? Or am I just opening my eyes to new things? Who knows. But one of the two hot beverages needs to be consumed before this girl will fully open her eyes.

I know I'm not alone in this, but this is when I usually open up the Insta or blog or social media outlet of choice and sit here for a while. Healthy or not, it happens and I know you’re guilty of it too ok? No mom judging here.  I can sit here for quite some time so I now have an alarm set so I have time for a quick catch up, respond to comments and emails and that's about it!


I have two different morning routines, one which involves more of a workout and one that involves a little more reading and meditating. I have TRIED to force myself out of bed in this FRIGID weather, get my butt downstairs to our basement home gym and get my workout in before the boys wake up. Guess what... no. It's just too cold. So I plan my workout during free play time for the boys as their toys are also in the basement we don't frequent often.  Hopefully, when Summer rolls around I will be more motivated, only time will tell. However, on days I have more physical activity in the morning I like to wake up and do a light yoga session on YouTube or just stretch. Keeping my morning's clothes beside the bed helps with motivation to get the day started, as well as a CLEAN ROOM. Oh man, does this ever make a difference in my motivation and drive.

On days where I don't have physical activity as part of my morning routine (usually on my harder workout days), I'll challenge myself to read a book which is TOUGH for me guys... never been a reader and probably never will be. But challenging myself to sit down and FOCUS for a while is a good thing.

Once this activity is finished, I get myself ready for the day. This is HUGE. If I put this off until after breakfast when the boys are awake and fed and ENERGIZED it is a total gong show. Anyone with multiple boys will relate, nothing gets done once they're awake. 

Before breakfast, I'll start a load of laundry because two boys = huge mess daily! This also helps me stay on top of laundry which is a huge fault of mine!!

This routine sounds super simple, and if youre anything like me it needs to stay that way for a while or it won't get done. I like slow mornings in this house, it's what we LOVE about the weekends and the fact that Jackson has afternoon kindergarten! We like chilling, but getting things done and improving every day. My hope is to become more proactive and intentional the night before (stay tuned for my night routine) so I can be productive in the mornings, and be my best self for the boys.

Comment below if you have a morning routine and what that looks like for your home!