Mother's Day Vitamix Recipes


Let’s all chat about mamahood...actually, let’s face it, we're all too tired to chat.  Motherhood is exhausting, demanding, not for the weak of heart, and it’s worth every second. This is why it is so important we celebrate days like Mother’s day and feel spoiled, loved and allow ourselves to take a break and refuel. We can all agree that you can’t pour from an empty cup, so pampering yourself is a must, and being pampered by others is just glorious, am I right?

This year a Vitamix has entered our home and I have created a few simple recipes that your Hubbies and even littles (with supervision) can create and serve to you on this special day!


I must admit – cooking and baking has never been a natural thing for me and something that I enjoy all that much. It could be due to the fact that I have never been the best at it.  Figuring out the correct spices that would suit a dish or measuring out exact ingredients for baking, has always been a no for me.  However, when my Vitamix arrived on my doorstep the creativity and motivation exploded, and I have three amazing Vitamix recipes to bring you today! All are SUPER easy, foolproof (even I can do it... come on) and EXTREMELY DELICIOUS! All of these are made in my A2500 @Vitamixca Ascent Series blender which is absolute perfection when it comes to mixing, combining and cleaning.


The Perfect Mama Smoothie Bowl

1 cup frozen berries of choice
6 tbsp. Greek yogurt
1 1⁄2 tbsp. organic coconut flour
1 banana

Optional: Strawberries, blueberries, chopped almonds or walnuts, coconut, chia seeds.

Directions: Throw all ingredients in the Vitamix and blend until combined. Add some toppings and dig in!



Mama Gammel’s Russian Pancakes

(Recipe by mama-in-law Gammel)
3 large eggs
2 1⁄4 cups of milk
1 tsp. salt
1⁄2 tsp. baking powder
1 1⁄4 cups of four

Oil of choice

Optional: Strawberries, blueberries, and icing sugar.

Directions: Throw all of the ingredients in your Vitamix and blend until there are no clumps. Pour a drop of oil in a pan over medium heat, from there, pour the batter straight from your Vitamix into the pan and rotate the pan to spread the batter thinly. Once the sides begin to come up from the pan and bubbles have formed on the top of the pancake, it’s time to flip. Repeat until there is no batter left, top with toppings of choice or roll them up with butter (Gammel style) and pour maple syrup like it’s going out of style.



Mamas Morning Plumb and Thyme Mimosa

2 Plums
1⁄2 cup of sugar
1⁄2 cup of water
6 to 8 springs of fresh thyme
8 ice cubes
Preferred amount of moscato white wine

Directions: Peel and remove pit from one plumb and place into Vitamix. Combine the sugar and water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Once the mixture has come to a boil, remove from heat, add in about 6 sprigs of the thyme and put aside to cool. Once this mixture has cooled and absorbed the flavour from the thyme, remove the sprigs and pour into the Vitamix as well as the 8 ice cubes and mix until combined. Pour the desired amount (the more mixture in the glass the more plum and thyme flavour you taste) into the glass and top with chilled moscato! To feel super fancy, top with a few fresh sprigs of thyme add in a few slices of fresh plum and you have yourself a perfect brunch beverage!


As I said earlier, all of these recipes can be made by your littles with supervision or crafted by your hubby, but this brunch will help you feel refreshed, refueled and spoiled (ok and a bit fancy) and you can eat it from the comfort of your own bed!

Mamas – I hope you have a very restful and rejuvenating Mother’s day. I know firsthand how demanding it is to be a mama and to sometimes feel like you’ve lost yourself. I hope this Mother’s day your cup gets filled (by more than just Moscato) so you can fuel yourself and your littles with all the love you can muster! And for those reading this who aren’t mamas, enjoy these recipes and go call your mama... she deserves some love!
