Simple Homemade Bread Recipe

We all know how much I am obsessed with this bread including my family, friends and every person at every event I bring this bread to - which is all! I can’t tell you how many times I get people coming up to me just having to tell me how delicious my bread is and I always feel a bit odd about it because it is just SO EASY! I always respond with “thanks, a monkey could do it!” and I literally think that. I have made a few different versions of it and so have my friends, attempting almond flour, whole wheat etc. I will keep adding to this recipe as I find recipes that I think are worth being on here, but so far I have two that score big time in our home!


White Bread


3 cups flour

1/2 tsp active dry yeast

1 3/4 tsp salt

1 3/4 cups of room temperature water

Mix together all dry ingredients in a large glass bowl. Once they’re all in, take the water and slowly start to stir all the ingredients together making a sticky dough. Be careful not to add too much water, depending on your climate you may need a bit more or less so be sure to stir in slowly. Once the dough is in one somewhat sticky clump, cover with plastic wrap and a tea towel and leave for anywhere between 8 -18 hours.

Once you’re ready to bake, preheat the oven to 450 degrees and put your dutch oven in there to heat up with the oven. Once heated, sprinkle some flour in the bottom of the dutch oven and put some on your hands so the dough sticks to you less. Then place the dough in the dutch oven, and bake covered for 30 minutes, then 10 minutes with the lid off.

*I have been adding more water to this recipe almost to the point where its wet. This may not be the “correct” way to make bread dough, however I find if its wet it makes a more moist loaf. Use your discretion but my most loved loaves I thought wouldn’t turn out because they were too wet!


Whole Wheat Bread


2 cups flour

1 cup whole wheat flour

1/2 tsp active dry yeast

1 3/4 tsp salt

1 3/4 cups of room temperature water

Directions - same as above. This recipe may require a bit more water.


Once it is finished in the oven, put on your oven mitts, remove the loaf from the dutch oven and let cool on a cooling rack. It will come out super hard and crips but softens as it cools! If you prefer a harder crust keep out but if you prefer softer wrap it in tinfoil.

And that’s it! Serve this bread to your kids or your next party and people will be shocked that you made this yourself. I love it with spicy hummus, I’m sure it would make amazing avocado toast, you name it!


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